Sunday, December 06, 2009

New Tradition: Advent + Countdown

After three years of marriage Andree and I are starting to give more thought to what we want to begin to have as our family's Christmas traditions. So far the biggest "tradition" we have is me pushing for a "real" tree and Dre selflessly wrestling with one and getting it in the stand and then watching football. One thing we've started this year is having a Advent calendar//countdown to Christmas.

I got the idea and layout from a template on the Giver's Log blog. (Full of tons of fun gifts ideas for every person you can think of! It's fun to just look at the fun collection of things she posts.) Under each flap I posted a portion of a verse from a list of suggested Advent readings. I cut the readings to only 24 and the countdown will end with my favorite "Christmas" verse.

(The calendar/countdown before Day-1 was read.)

I threw it together and made last minute changes so it's not perfect in appearance (and we found a verse last night where the reference and the passage did not match up). But it's a sweet minute together each night reading the verses. I'm so grateful Dre was willing to bless his little wifey by participating and being excited with me. I can't wait to have littles and I know I'll spend far too long trying to come up with the perfect calendar to use for them (maybe a trusty old classic pop-up like my mom had for Cynth and I).

I love the concept of Advent. I love the idea of remembering. Remembering that Christ really came to earth, came as a helpless infant; that He really interruppted history and lived amoung us as a man. God only intervened in this way in human history once and it's worth recalling the specialness of it and the purpose for which He came.

1 comment:

Jesse and Rose said...

Advent calendars are such great fun! Jesse was crushed when I told him there was no advent calendar for this year. I didn't know how much he liked it...