Monday, January 10, 2011

hbd rockstar

"A judicious friend, into whose heart we may pour out our souls, and tell our corruptions as well as our comforts, is a very great privilege." // George Whitefield

Happy Birthday to my best friend. Other than Dre no one knows me as well, cares for me as efficiently, or makes me laugh and grateful in the moments of life more than Janet. I am so grateful that she befriended me back in high school, grateful for the way God preserved (:-P) and fed our friendship as we went through growing pains and both got married, and grateful for the way she has shared my joys and burdens in a way I can't even describe over the last few years and months.

I love you friend. Respect you much and am honored to consider you my best friend.

This picture just makes me laugh. :-) "Cheeky Monkey likes cheese..."

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That pic reminds me of our old CG days...and our ladies' mtgs. Seriously, those were the best! I will never forget Jan and her squirrel.