Sometimes the blog goes quiet because life is being lived. Even in the way my personal journal looks I can find spots with gaps of time when I know it wasn't that nothing was happening but rather it was almost too much happening to put into words adequately. One can only say "there are no words" so many times and throw up a picture without it getting old. ;-)
Most people know, but not everyone, that the last few years have been a little different than what we expected our first few years of marriage to look. They've been wonderfully sweet and full of good things but in terms of Dre's job they've been a little 'different' than anticipated. He has worked hard and faithfully to provide and bring home the bacon while examining many things to see if one of them might be a career for him to support our family rather than simply a job. Over two years ago a random email forward from his mom sparked him to think he had found 'it' and for over two years he has been pursuing and waiting on it. And waiting. And waiting. We've done a lot of waiting the last two years. But God is faithful.
The long and the short of it is Andree wants to be an air traffic controller. (And I want him to be one too.) It seems like this is the perfect fit for his gifting, intellect, and interests. It was not at all on the radar before his mom forwarded him a email about hirings but it's become close to a dream job in his mind and heart. There were many tests to be passed, interviews to be had, evaluations and background checks, and then he was all clear! Then we waited on an academy date and three weeks ago we found out he had one! Now the real fun begins and he starts training this Thursday in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! Once he completes the training at the FAA Academy he will then be training on site at his new job at the Potomac Tracon in Warrenton, Virginia and Lord-willing enjoy a career with the FAA for many years to come.
Below is a timeline of the process Dre's/we've walked through of applying and waiting. (If you right click on it so you can see it bigger.)

It's been a season of good-byes and a season of feeling very temporary in life. We said good-bye to the KG (love you guys SO!) the first week of August, Andree finished up at Apple on Thursday, and we said good bye to our family and friends this morning and are heading out on a road trip to Oklahoma for the next few days. I'll be going back and forth between OKC and MD, balancing work and being a wifey. When Andree comes home from the academy we'll continue to live in Germantown for a little while and seek to figure out the best location to live long-term. It's going to be a very unique few months but we're so excited God has opened this door and even more that it's one we get to walk through and be together in the midst of.

Here we are! Literally. On the road. Leg one of our trip is a stop in Knoxville for some chocolate ice cream with Esther and we can't wait! (Though the Dronkies live in fear of her dog...Oh yes. They're here too. All 8 of them.)
It's funny because I could say many reflective things on all we've learned through the waiting. All the ways we've seen God provide for us, financially and otherwise, in this time of 'in between.' All the ways we've grown closer together (coughcough:: communication = telling your wife you applied to be an air traffic controller ::coughcough) and individually. All the experiences and friendships we would not have had if this had all happened right away. But again. Sometimes when life is so 'full' my thoughts are locked away. The quote below pretty much sums up 90% of all that I've learned and clung too. I know that God is bigger than the boogie man. That His plan for us is perfect and good no matter what it is, even if somehow this job doesn't work out. I know that we have not been left alone here to muddle through but that God has provided friendships to refresh, encourage, and care for us and each other to walk through life with. And I know those things more today than I did on May 2008. And for that I am grateful.
"In Christ all things are ours. There is now for us no awful Beyond of mystery and fear. We cannot, indeed, explain the world, but we rejoice now that we cannot explain it. To us it is all unknown, but it contains no mysteries for our Savior; He is on the throne; He is at the centre; He is ground and explanation of all things; He pervades the remotest bounds; by Him all things consist. The world is full of dread, mysterious powers; they touch us already in a thousand woes. But from all them we are safe." --J. Gresham
i am so excited and happy for this new season with the FAA for you both!! i know it has been a long time in coming and i know how it feels to wait for it. :) i'm rejoicing with you both that OKC is actually happening and will continue to pray for you over the next several months!
Praying for you in this new season! He will be as faithful in it as He has been in the past two years!
What an adventure! So happy for you guys and looking forward to updates on how things go!
tracey campbell said ...
this is all very exciting !
love the little PHOTO you posted (:
thank you for sharing
your waiting timeline & the j.gresham quote
...very powerful to read the two back-to-back .
praying for you guys ...
looking forward with great anticipation to hearing about
all the Lord has planned for you .
Praise God for providing this opportunity! I am excited for the adventure ahead and all that He has in store for you! Love, Bekah
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