I love my job. Working for and with the people of Sovereign Grace Church of Frederick has been a dream job I didn't know I had. My bosses are the best in the world who not only are skilled at their jobs but care about the people they serve and me. Mondays tend to be one of my favorite days of the week because I get to sit with them, laugh with them, and learn from them. It's certainly a unique situation working all together but from three separate locations but for now it has worked and I am grateful for how God has built this church. My job is certainly unusual in the fact that I work for a church I love but am not a member of and my job description is kind of an "all of the above" type of position but it has been such a wonderful, at times challenging, and fun job.
Dre has been faithfully pursuing work and possibilities " in the meantime" while we wait and I'm so challenged by his willingness to work at things that aren't his preference and get up each day and leave the house in order to faithfully provide. I'm so, so grateful to God that He has recently provided him with a job that he enjoys at the Montgomery Mall Apple Store.
Like the quote I posted last week said: "God’s grace has given wonderfully, but not wastefully; freely but not foolishly; bountifully but not blindly." And goodness. I am grateful for the provision of His grace evident through work and the enjoyment of work.
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