After being in Oklahoma for almost a month (vacation time plus a tremendously generous pair of bosses who let me extend the bounds of 'working remotely' to include working from Oklahoma for a few weeks so I could make being Dre's wife a priority and yet keep my job), I had to go home to Maryland. We were apart for five weeks and I never want to do that again. (Our next "separation" will be thirteen days, which still sounds daunting but after the month+ apart it feels much more bearable and less intimidating.) I cried all morning the day I left but somehow we managed it and enjoyed little 'dates' from a distance doing things like cg homework together or watching our favorite 'Top Chef' finale on two different TV's but at the same time. It certainly makes me grateful for being able to live the little moments of every day next to my husband. I do not know how military families do it. They amaze me and I'm grateful that despite the unique life we lead and have been living the last few months that isn't what God has for us. He knows what we can bear. ;-)

The mail I came home to. I've never quite had a stack that large. After picking up mail at work's PO Box, my inbox in Point of Rocks, and home, I decided actually going through it could wait for another day. I'm so grateful for Judi's help in staying on top of things and being sure nothing important that was sent to me while I was away slipped through the cracks.

Coming home to Maryland meant lots more special time with my littlest friend. I'm so grateful for the sovereign timing in play in our lives right now that means I came home to 'family' at
the Remys' and was able to spend evenings at my parents as well. I missed Dre tons and tons but I can't quite say I was lonely. ;-)

Most of our nights looked like this: praise God for Skype! I think I teared up every night when we'd say goodnight but goodness. I am grateful for being able to talk to and "see" my husband every night when we're apart. It doesn't replace his hugs or his nearness but wow, what a world we live in that these things are 'normal' and accessible.
there is no becca like aunt becca and we are so glad you come "home" to us tooooo!
oh becca i just want you to know that i know what it feels like. when zach and i were courting, we were long-distance to begin with. but we managed to see each other almost every other weekend. but there was one stint that he was in virginia for work and was gone 5 weeks. we talked on the phone almost every night but no visits. it was super yucky. and then after about 7 months of marriage he was gone for 5 days. i think i cried myself to sleep every night he was gone. ugh. i do not envy what you have gone through and i am so very happy that the worst of it is behind you. praise the Lord for his grace and faithfulness!!
i continue to pray for you both and for this job!!
oh and yes - hallelujah for the amazing technology we have today of cell phones and text messaging and skype that allow us to make the distance feel a bit shorter than it really is. such gifts from above.
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