Of course the Dronkey crew came with us. And since we don't have kids yet they offered to pose for pictures to document the trip.

This is Girlie being brave and posing with her new friend Nash. (I actually don't think she was afraid of the dog but I think Dre was a little afraid of trusting Nash near her. It didn't help that Dre was moving her around, having her skitter back and forth in front of him so Nash thought just maybe this scentless object might be alive.)
We had a sweet late night catching up with Esther and after a good night's sleep enjoyed some delicious dairy free french toast and were sent on our way with chocolate chip cookies. We both were so blessed by her hospitality and getting to see her again. The extra effort she put into making food 'Becca safe' was so kind and became even more of a blessing the longer we were on the road and the farther we got from our usual 'dairy free' quick options for my meals. I think I lived on rice cakes, Esther's cookies, and snacks my mom packed us for the rest of the trip. {Thank you 'Smester! We're so glad we get to know you and hope you come visit Maryland sometime soon--just not before we're home. ;-)}

One of the "Twin Girlies" guarding the flowers that drove with us halfway across country. They actually survived the trip and about a week in Oklahoma. :-)

Little Dronkey making new friends in Nashville Tennessee where we wandered around for a few hours.
The highlight of our stopover in Mississippi was the bar-b-que we got. It took a lot of googling and weighing all the options (because there were many) but we finally settled on Neely's and certainly did not regret it! I was sick nearly the entire road trip and it even tasted good to my cold-infested taste buds. I think Andree almost weeped he was so happy with his extremely large platter of meat. We got it to-go from what looked like a run-down old Pizza Hut and ate it at a picnic table at our hotel. I love making random memories with my boy in all sorts of random places!
On Tuesday we arrived in Oklahoma! And started making our home-away-from-home in a duplex in OKC. It's been a real treat to go from our basement 'suite' in the Remy's basement to a full house in Oklahoma. Though being away from home is hard, it's something that makes it more fun. I've enjoyed having my own kitchen and Dre's loved the big TV to watch football on. (Thanks Kim!)

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