Sunday, May 20, 2007

my hard-working honey

About a month after our wedding my darling husband stepped into the brave new world of the mortgage business. He feels called to work in a job that allows him to "help" people and while it seems like God hasn't opened up the doors to do this by selling them houses right now he's able to help them buy houses or keep their homes through getting them a mortgage. I've seen much fruit in Andree's life as he's pursued this business. He's grown tremendously in humility and recognizing his own self-sufficiency. As wonderful of a salesman as he is and as trustworthy as he is, he cannot close a deal unless God is behind it. I'm so grateful to be able to watch God at work in his heart as he's trusted Him completely with his role in this job. It's so often been expressed in the way he prays. I love to hear my husband pray.
The mortgage business is a great business but it has its drawbacks. The pay is good but it's 100% commission... Income, especially for a new loan officer, comes in slowly. About two months ago we started praying about Andree possibly taking on a second job as a part-time job to supplement our income. It turned out that what God had for Andree was a full-time job at our church making mortgages his part-time job. After a full day at CLC Andree heads over to Liberty Home Mortgage to work another set of busy hours. Andree eagerly took on working sixty hours weeks without any complaints and for the past month+ has been rising early and leaving the house, often not coming home again for twelve hours. He has never complained about working two jobs and instead sees it as his God-given responsibility as a husband providing for his family in this season.
Baby, I am so grateful for the way you lay your life down for me by working so hard every day. Thank you for being an example to me of someone who works joyfully and diligently at whatever God calls them to do. I am so grateful for the way you have led me in seeing God's provision for us in big things like this job and other small things. Thank you for always being eager to come home to me at night and tell me about your day. I'm so grateful for the excellent job you do at CLC and Liberty. You are the smartest and most talented man I know. Your God-given skills and hard-work are evident to many. I can't wait to see God bless all of the effort you are investing.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
(Colossians 3:23-24)
I love you Possum. ;-) xoxo


Laura said...

Wow, I love you guys ;) Way to go Andree for loving and providing for your wife!

Jessica said...

What a gift husbands are! May God continue to bless all the work that Andre is doing! And, I am sure that you, Becca, are a wonderful helpmate to him.

Anonymous said...

Yay Dre! Yay Becca!

God is already blessing you guys for your efforts in working hard, trusting Him and pursuing what He's calling you to at all times.

And there'll be more!!!

Jose & Rebekah said...

Praise God for the grace He's giving Andree in this busy time of work! Thanks Becca for loving your husband and being such a wonderful encourager! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

You guys are always such an encouragement! So grateful for your friendship and example.